Monday, April 16, 2007

Senseless tragedy

In light of todays events, my struggles with IF seem low on the priority list.

Today the tragedy at VT brings everything into perspective. My sympathies go out to all of the students, family, and staff of VT. I am praying for the families and friends that have lost loved ones in this senseless tragedy. I keep thinking of all of the young people and their teachers who lost their lives today for no reason. I keep thinking about the parents who have lost their children, families who have lost a parent, and the countless friends of the innocent victims. The sense of loss is overwhelming.

Life is very fragile and we can't take one moment for granted......


Becks said...

Sending our thoughts and wishes from the UK. Its such a waste of precious life.

ultimatejourney said...

The loss of life is just so sad. As hard as IF is, I would think that losing a parent or child who has been a part of your life for an extended period of time would be far worse.

JJ said...

Such a hard thing to understand....I agree with Ultimate...what a hard loss after having someone in your life for so long.

One View said...

I agree, it put things into perspective. My heart breaks for those families that were affected by this tragedy. Prayers for strength and healing for everyone.

Anonymous said...

It is all just so horrible.

Baby Blues said...

It's too terribly sad for words. My prayers go out to the family and friends of this senseless tragedy.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

It has been really hard to open a newspaper the last few days.

Here is the grey goose and tonic you ordered. I'm sending you good thoughts during the wait. Very good thoughts. I'm hoping for happy news.